Mind Games

It is a commonplace that horror games draw on the stock character of the “criminally insane” to create their bogeymen and bad guys. Even reasonably uncomplicated titles, like PlayStation’s original Crash Bandicoot, had a little of that flavour: the Hammer Horror mad scientist who enjoys nothing better than genetically splicing innocent island creatures while cackling maniacally at his plans, even if this was set in a world of Wumpa fruit, floating platforms and totem poles.

Unwinnable Presents: The Best and Worst of PAX East 2011

PAX East 2011 gave Team Unwinnable a lot to look forward to in the world of videogames and geek culture. It also gave us some memorable moments that we won’t -and can’t – soon forget. So much so that if all of it made it to print, let’s just say our readers may think of us in a different light. With that being said, clear your mind [“…and the rest will follow!” Ed.] and in no particular order, here is our list of what we thought was the best and worst of PAX. Enjoy. [Editor’s Note: If we indeed told