Exploits Feature The Importance of Preservation By Khee Hoon Chan • January 3rd, 2019 The preservation of videogames’ short, albeit eventful, history is fraught with challenges, its very value undermined by the industry’s biggest companies
E-soterica The Contradiction of Language in Subserial Network By Khee Hoon Chan • December 19th, 2018 The use of language is instrumental to Subserial Network, and it’s refreshing to see how certain words are used to subvert our expectations of this world.
The Gentle Furor of GDJYB’s Math-Folk By Khee Hoon Chan • December 13th, 2018 Asian math rock band GDJYB has all the intricate musical structures of regular math rock, but centers soft, politically charged vocals.
Solace Amidst the Wreckage of Kursk By Khee Hoon Chan • November 29th, 2018 It is a strange thing when a game about a submarine disaster is a calming experience and potential sleep aid.
E-soterica Cheap Golf Is An Ode to Inelegance By Khee Hoon Chan • November 20th, 2018 Snarky, amoral AIs and retro aesthetics are nothing new, if not wearisome among today’s growing library of games, but at least Cheap Golf has the gumption to be peculiar and honest about it.
E-soterica Three Shades of Depression By Khee Hoon Chan • October 25th, 2018 The candid portrayal of depression in these itch.io games is both striking and devastating.
Butterfly Soup and the Myriad Asian Identity By Khee Hoon Chan • October 18th, 2018 I see flickers of my childhood in the characters’ experiences—from the astronomical expectations Noelle’s parents have of her, to her parents’ severe disappointment in Min-seo’s less-than-feminine hobbies and appearance.
E-soterica Foul Play in an Elementary School By Khee Hoon Chan • October 10th, 2018 “I wanted to work with something fun and lighthearted. I was actually watching a lot of Mindhunters on Netflix, so I wanted to do something detective-adjacent but still semi-family-friendly,” said Pico, the developer behind P.E. Noire.
E-soterica Going Through The Motions of Work in Fortune-499 By Khee Hoon Chan • September 26th, 2018 How does one introduce themselves to a disinterested stranger and exchange suggestions on “honing competitive advantages through collaboration”?
E-soterica Sunless Skies Rewards Imagination By Khee Hoon Chan • August 29th, 2018 Roguelike elements convey the harshest qualities of Sunless Skies. They carry the relentless trials and tribulations their protagonists face in nautical fictions and literary voyages like Moby Dick and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.