Striking Back At Reality TV

All summer, hoards of fans of the reality TV show line Washington St. to get a taste of the magical cakes crafted by the gang at Carlo’s Bake Shop, lovingly portrayed on TLC as the Mecca of tri-state area bakeries. So many came this past summer they had to erect barricades across the street next to the CVS and hire crowd control personnel, complete with walkie talkies, to keep fans from furiously rushing the door, absentmindedly getting themselves struck by passing cars, or swooning to the pavement in the 95-degree heat.

Totally Rad: ‘Back to the Future’ trilogy gets videogame-ified

In case you haven’t gotten the memo yet, there’s something you should know: Everything 80s is cool again! From movies (“Transformers”) to TV (“90210”), the entertainment world is ripe with remakes, reimaginings and sequels to those flicks we loved so much as kids (those of us in our 30s, anyway). Well, with the excellently crafted “Ghostbusters: The Video Game,” along with the rebirth of “Metroid,” it should come as no surprise that videogames based off classic 1980s fare are also popular once more. This trend is apparently going to continue with a videogame based upon the classic “Back to the

The Wonder of Wonder Woman: Superhero Sexuality


The comic book world got all shook up this week with the surprise redress of one of the medium’s most iconic female characters.

Wonder Woman, the dark haired beauty with golden bracelets, knee-high boots and ample… powers, was given some new modern duds. Some like them, some don’t.

I would have to give the whole thing a big thumbs down. Not just because it makes the powerful princess seem hipster chic, but it strips the voluptuous heroine of her sexuality.