Halloween Costume Contest!

Buy Stu’s Book!

Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground

Unwinnable loves Halloween.

In the spirit of that, we’ve partnered with HalloweenCostumes.com to give away a costume to one lucky reader – any costume on their site is eligible, so long as it $50 or less. How do you win? All you have to do is send us a photo of yourself as a kid dressed in your favorite Halloween costume.


What are you waiting for? Dive into those old photo albums now – submissions must be in by Friday, October 7th at 11:59 p.m.

[Editor’s Note: That is Editor in Chief Stu Horvath dressed as a pirate and Senior Editor Charles Francis Moran VI as General Douglas MacArthur. This should explain a lot.]


The Legal Stuff: Actually, we didn’t want to rack up a bill with our lawyer for this, so we’re just going to take the risk of speaking plainly. The decision of the judges is final. By submitting photos to us, you agree to give us permission to run those photos on the site – but you still own the photos. If you win, we’d love to get a photo of you in the costume as well. If you contribute to Unwinnable, or live in the same house as someone who does, you can’t win the contest. You can totally share your photos with us, though!