Arkham City

All In – Batman: Arkham City Trailer

The Horrors of Suburbia!

Current Issue

We here at Unwinnable try not to get all gushy about a game until after it is out. Previews and pre-release hype are risky, narcotic things – more often than not, they leave you looking the fool when the final product is released. Faith has yet to become a component of gameplay.

The opposite is often true as well. The entire team is excited about Batman: Arkham City, sequel to a game many people, myself included, cynically wrote off as licensed garbage before its release. What we got then was one of the best brawlers in recent memory, the best Batman game to date and one of the best games of 2009. What does the future hold for Arkham City?

Here is a glimpse, courtesy of the debut gameplay trailer: