A Surprising F.E.A.R.

Buy Some Zines!

Exalted Funeral

Let’s be honest…the F.E.A.R. series is a pretty mediocre one. I was surprised when F.E.A.R. 2 came out. When I heard that F.3.A.R. (how awful is that title?) was getting released this summer, I was flummoxed.  I don’t know anyone who cares.

And yet…it looks like someone has been hard at work at Warner Interactive, because there seems to be some good things afoot in the latest installment of the supernatural shooter. I wouldn’t say I am excited, really, but some interesting co-op, a survival mode that is actually called ‘Fucking Run!’ – my curiosity has been piqued. Find out all the details in my preview of F.3.A.R. for Complex.