Unlistenable Episode 13 – Cutting Room Floor

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We took a vacation! In the meantime, check out some highlights that never made it into our previous electronic broadcasts!

We talk about the new Call of Duty downloadable content, Call of the Dead!

More of BTD’s devastating Alan Rickman.

We also have the the original Shitty G.I. Joe Names segment.
A cab ride we recorded in Boston at PAX East 2011, where we announce Dave Trainer’s ATM number on our way to the saddest Wendy’s ever.

The first time we ever decided to “Yay!”

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Featured members of Team Unwinnable: Charles Moran, Brian “Bee Tee Dee” Daly, Dave Trainer, Don Becker, George Collazo, John “Hambone” McGuire, Pete Lang, Ken Lucas, Matt Marrone and Stu Horvath (begrudgingly). Listen after the jump!

Music by:
Burbis, Abstrak, and Love Cinema Volume 6

Contact us at:

Team Unwinnable on Twitter @TeamUnwinnable

Please email us at info@unwinnable.com

Call us anytime and leave a voice mail at 862-234-5760

Unlistenable is available on iTunes
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