Confessions of a Toy Hunter: Walking Dead To The Toy Fair 2011

Buy Stu’s Book!

Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground

After circling McFarlane Toys’ booth like a vulture, I was eventually able to slide in and check out their stock. McFarlane was once known for re-launching the action figure market with their near sculpture like action figures. They also re-invigorated a lot of horror licenses via their Movie Maniacs line, which paved the way for companies like Neca, Mezco and Art Asylum. In the last 10 or so years, they have been known for their high end reproductions of various sports stars. Halo is the only non-sport entity in their line up until now. Days before Toy Fair, McFarlane released pictures of their upcoming The Walking Dead line.

The first 4 figures are directly from the comic. The second set of figures comes from AMC’s highly acclaimed television series and they are set to come out just as Season 2 launches in October.

McFarlane Walking Dead Rick Grimes

Here’s a look at Officer Rick Grimes and a Zombie Roamer from the comic series The Walking Dead.

McFarlane Walking Dead Michonne

Here is a work in progress Michonne and a zombie.

McFarlane Walking Dead Rick Close

Of course, these are all 1 up or full scale sculpts that the smaller scale figures will be based on.

McFarlane Halo Drop Ship

Didn’t I mentioned Halo? How about this drop ship? I don’t know, I think it looks bad ass!

And since I’m on the topic of video games, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Square Enix in attendance. They are known mostly for their RPG, Final Fantasy. I must say their action figures were highly impressive. Not only did they have jaw dropping sculpts, but the quality of paint work was astounding.

Toy Fair Square Enix

This picture should have been a centerpiece, with a character on horseback and one on a motorcycle, this one blew me away.

Toy Fair Square Enix Bike

Another look at the bike.

Toy Fair Final Fantasy Squall, Cloud, Gabran

Here’s a look at stylized versions of Final Fantasy’s (from left to right) Squall Leonhart, Gabran and Cloud Strife.

Toy Fair Deus Ex Prototype

Here’s some prototype shots of the upcoming figures from Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Toy Fair Deus Ex Prototype 2

Tune in for the 4th part of my Toy Fair experience.


To keep posted on the whereabouts of the Daryl Dixon action figure, on Twitter follow @UnWinToyHunter.