Unwinnable Presents: Unmixable

You’re all doomed!


Unmixable, an all music broadcast: Kursse in Return to Planet X

Kursse: I wanted to do a mix inspired by videogames and sci-fi. Through all the versions, I realized there was a common theme; the sound of 8 bit. You will be hearing covers of video game themes, songs made with Gameboys and tunes from movies that will, hopefully, transport you to a high-tech world with a lo-fi sound.

“Wizards and Warriors” – NintendoCore
“Muck” – Baseck
“Bubble Bobble Remix” – Astroboy
“Defender of the Castle” – Shawn Lee, Bully
“Pogo the Monkey” – Grand Theft Auto 3
“Pac-Man” – Powerpill
“Descent into New York” – John Carpenter, Escape from New York
“The Grid” – Daft Punk, TRON Legacy
“Welcome Home R2” – The Kosmik Kommando
“Dr. Who?” – Orbital
“Eye of Eight” – Otto von Schirach
“Want You Gone” – Jonathan Coulton, Portal 2
“Metroid Metal” – Stemage
“Blaster Master/Contra” – Minibosses
“A Light Dusting” – Army of 2600 / “Prison Introduction” – John Carpenter, Escape from New York
“No Remorse (I Wanna Die)” – Atari Teenage Riot & Slayer
“Glut” – Nivek Ogre & Mark Walk, Descent 2
“Gamma Encounter” – NESMETAL, Zombie Birthday Cake
“Still Alive” – Jonathan Coulton, Portal

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Music, Podcast