Coffee Break With Teenage Satan

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Teenage Satan postcard_party

On Saturday April 30th 2011, the Doomsday Clock, counting down to the launch of Teenage Satan, will strike twelve and the seas will boil, the sky will turn red, sparkling acid will fall from the sky and all hell’s gonna break loose!

What, you may ask, is Teenage Satan? Why should you care?

Teenage Satan is a new multi-media project, brought to you by a top secret team of comic book glitterati. They’re bad, they’re beautiful and they want your soul!

While I can’t say too much, as the details of the project are being kept strictly under wraps until high noon of the launch day (that and they welded my mouth shut – hey, these things happen when you do business with the underworld).

What I can say is that Teenage Satan accomplishes something truly unique. It manages to meld the old and new, both conceptually and technically. From this flaming pit emerges a distinctive venture, which will function as a template for future comic and pop culture related projects within the genre.

We live in a time where we are either stomaching re-hashed versions of things we liked better the first time, or we are forced into brand -spanking -new technology, whose processes pull us away from the “old school” things we love.  Rarely is there an innovation that successfully utilizes new technology, while simultaneously maintaining that organic feeling of connection to the source material. Teenage Satan will offer this.

Additionally, it’s just plain fun.

STAY TUNED! The official Teenage Satan launch party is happening this weekend at the Boston Comic Con!  Yours truly will be in attendance, dancing with Dante. While a portion of the party is invite only, it will open up to the general public later in the evening.  The location and details will be disclosed here, on UNWINNABLE, after noon on Saturday April 30th.  Remember to check back here, so you can be among the chosen damned!  I anticipate this will be the talk of the Con, so if you are in the Boston area you have two priorities:

1. Check UNWINNABLE after Noon on April 30th for details.

2. Head on over to the gates of hell and join me for a sinfully good time.

Oh, did I mention that there will be other well known comic artists and writers in attendance (names withheld to protect the guilty…you’ll just have to come and see!)….and something else is burning in the back of my brain like a hot poker…something important…oh right!….did I mention that the Boston Baby Dolls Burlesque Troupe ( the leading burlesque performers of the northeast) will be performing a sexy, red hot Hell-themed act? Hotness.

So, here is the check list:

-Exclusive comic and multi-media party. Check.

-Geek Chic. Check.

-All star comic guest list. Check.

-Naked hell ladies dancing  just for you. Check.

-Seriously, what are you waiting for. Pay the ferryman his drachma and JOIN US!

Details to follow.