Casting Deep Meteo One Thousand Year Old Vampire Hunter D By Levi Rubeck • November 8th, 2023 While watching Vampire Hunter D, one can’t help but connect it to the relatively recent solo role-playing game Thousand Year Old Vampire by Tim Hutchings.
Area of Effect Open World Vampires By Jay Castello • November 7th, 2023 The open world map is almost nothing but a center for consumption.
I Played It, Like, Twice... Stealth Mission: Exploring the Corners of Warhammer 40K in Execution Force By Orrin Grey • November 6th, 2023 Execution Force is a relic of a specific point in GW’s release history – in this case, the year 2015.
Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • November 6th, 2023 We’re hitting the road!
Interlinked Don’t Fear the Reaver By Phoenix Simms • November 3rd, 2023 Raziel, the tragic wraith protagonist of the Soul Reaver series, contains within his arc a nuanced portrayal of how an energy vampire is made and unmade.
Sam Porter Bridges Redefines the Anti-Hero By John Anderson • November 2nd, 2023 It is undeniable that most games center around violence in some shape, and due to the hours the average game takes to complete being well into the double-digits, the protagonist will have racked up quite a monstrous body count before the credits roll.
Here Be Monsters A Different Sort of Vampire: The Endemic Issue Behind Redfall’s Critical Flop By Emma Kostopolus • November 2nd, 2023 Redfall is an excellent test case for how capitalist gamer culture has turned some gaming consumers into a particularly odious, never-satisfied group of soulsuckers.
Exploits Feature Magnum, P.I. vs. Miami Vice By Stu Horvath • November 1st, 2023 We all know Jessica Fletcher is the greatest TV detective of the ’80s, but who is the runner up?
Mind Palaces I Will Come Up With a Punny Title I Promise By Maddi Chilton • October 31st, 2023 Somewhere along the way in Redfall’s development someone should have asked: What is this game, and why are we making it?