Rookie of the Year I Went to Miami During a Heat Wave So You Don’t Have To By Matt Marrone • October 3rd, 2023 If you’re thinking of going to the beach, don’t.
Exploits Feature Pop Culture Bubblegum Slurry By Michael Lee • October 2nd, 2023 “Just subscribe to Content Inc.’s new streaming service CRAM: Where we cram pop culture slurry down your throat until you die!”
Interlinked Grounding The Games Industry By Phoenix Simms • September 29th, 2023 Games, despite all their innovative trappings, are trash. To be more specific – games can create a lot of socioeconomic trash.
Here Be Monsters RE7 as American Folk Horror By Emma Kostopolus • September 28th, 2023 Folk horror is having a minute in the scholarly study of horror.
Mind Palaces A Secret Third Thing By Maddi Chilton • September 27th, 2023 The Venture Bros. premiered in 2004. Seven seasons later, it finally gets its finale, or what amounts to one.
Past Presence Object Lessons #2: Smartphone By Emily Price • September 26th, 2023 How do you represent a technology that’s had an earthquake’s impact, that almost everyone owns and that has made our private lives public?
SPRAWL Kills the Past to Save It: An Interview with MAETH By Elijah Beahm • September 25th, 2023 SPRAWL is “like the games you remember playing on the computer in the 90’s as you remember them; not as they actually were.”
Funeral Rites Challenge Cult Horror with Maximum Mystic Punks Vol 2: Crypt By Alyssa Wejebe • September 25th, 2023 “I’ve always been fascinated with medieval crypts, ossuaries and mausoleums,” Mystic Punks series creator Anthony Meloro says. “So, placing a dungeon crawl in one is an obvious choice.”