Marx at the Arcade Interview By Adam Boffa • June 7th, 2019 Dr. Woodcock offered his thoughts on the developments in games labor and explained why he believes they could have impacts that go far beyond the industry.
Gingy's Corner Tokyo Chronos: Visual Novel in Virtual Reality By Gingy Gibson • June 7th, 2019 A title that does more to sell the software it runs on then the product itself.
DC’s TV Universe Represents Queer Heroes Like Marvel Won’t By Kenneth Shepard • June 7th, 2019 Avengers: Endgame is not the queer representation mainstream superheroes need, but DC’s TV universe is full of the heroes queer fans deserve.
Pets Feature Seven Videogame Chickens, Listed from Least to Most Likely to Kick My Ass By Melissa King • June 7th, 2019 Look at all these chickens.
The World Next Door Is a Nice Enough Neighbor By Sara Clemens • June 6th, 2019 Billed as hybrid of a puzzler and a visual novel with RPG elements, The World Next Door shows a lot of promise.
Finding Worth in Space Servitude By Levi Rubeck • June 6th, 2019 Joy in this game is finding solace in purgatory, stealing time from your corporate overlords, demanding value in one’s self not because of what you produce for your British AI warden.
The Burnt Offering The One Good Dog By Stu Horvath • June 6th, 2019 When pitches came in for the Pets Issue, Stu expected to get several pitches about the dog from Fable II. He got zero. So he wrote his own, goddammit!
The Space Between Lacks Meaning in Its Metaphor By Jeremy Signor • June 5th, 2019 Metaphor can be a powerful tool to lead audiences to some sort of meaning. The Space Between seems content to just bludgeon you with it.
Collision Detection Dogs of War By Ben Sailer • June 5th, 2019 Sure video game dogs make for great meme material, but good boys have been serving since World War I.
Unmissable – Episode 8 By Sara Clemens and David Shimomura • June 5th, 2019 Game of Thrones is over, so let’s have Stu Horvath on to discuss it, even though he didn’t watch the show.