The Last Softball Player By Levi Rubeck • August 15th, 2019 “When he suggested we attend a baseball game, I wasn’t shy in my disinterest. We lost touch immediately after that.”
Queer Cooperation By Jeremy Signor • August 14th, 2019 Experiences that network queer people together are key to queer survival. That makes games that do that while fostering a sense of cooperation absolutely vital.
Episode 13: Blackout Club By Sara Clemens and David Shimomura • August 14th, 2019 Come for the Stranger Things comparisons, stay for the harrowing tales of sins Unwinnablers committed!
Collision Detection Abe’s Oddysee, Ahead of Its Time By Ben Sailer • August 14th, 2019 The PlayStation classic Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee offers poignant commentary on how to handle catastrophic circumstances that feel bigger than yourself.
E-soterica Attack of the Earthlings Bakes Humor Into Its Freakish DNA By Khee Hoon Chan • August 13th, 2019 Attack of the Earthlings wants to be a wise-cracking asshole and will keep tossing punchlines if that means you’ll continue to laugh your belly raw.
Rookie of the Year Am I Dead? By Matt Marrone • August 13th, 2019 Do you ever wonder what happens to those Words with Friends rivals when you move on to other apps?
Forms in Light Planning Novigrad By Justin Reeve • August 12th, 2019 If The Witcher 3’s largest city seems easy to navigate, it’s all in your head.
Backlog Repeating Being By Gavin Craig • August 9th, 2019 Gavin muses about repetition while he muses about repetition while he muses about….
No Accounting for Tastes Undoing Ruin By Adam Boffa • August 8th, 2019 In Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Hayao Miyazaki provides an early glimpse of the concerns – and hopes – that would inform his filmmaking career.
Checkpoint SMASH By Corey Milne • August 7th, 2019 In Corey’s mind, Nintendo is only second to Disney when it comes to pure brand power. And he has the nostalgia to prove it.