Unmissable: Episode 5 By Sara Clemens and David Shimomura • April 15th, 2019 It’s part one of a Jordan Peele double header!
This One Isn’t About Difficulty By Malindy Hetfeld • April 15th, 2019 Is the discussion about game difficulty really about difficulty, or is it more about who we serve when we make player skill a game’s main selling point?
GURPS By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • April 15th, 2019 GURPS! No, I didn’t just belch, that stands for Generic Universal Role Playing System, from Steve Jackson Games, our main topic this episode. We also talk Cyclades and Pendragon. Have a listen!
No Accounting for Taste Solo’s Score Pushes Nostalgia’s Potential By Adam Boffa • April 13th, 2019 In Disney’s spin-off, John Powell captures the intangible something that made the original trilogy so popular.
Hob is So Minimalist it Disappears By Gingy Gibson • April 12th, 2019 I grow weary of minimalist and spartan storytelling, particularly when a game has so little to offer besides.
Rookie of the Year The Half-Baked Book Review: 1Q84 By Matt Marrone • April 12th, 2019 Matt Marrone had a brilliant idea for a series: Reviews of half-read books. Written for parents of small children.
So the Katana is Back By Levi Rubeck • April 11th, 2019 Like black clothes and classic jams, some things never go out of style, and we might as well just pin ninjas to the list now and forever.
Checkpoint Observations of the Void By Corey Milne • April 11th, 2019 Corey Milne recently made it to the center of Elite Dangerous’ galaxy, and it’s smooth sailing. Well, other than that whole nasty business with the black hole…
Collision Detection Ace Combat 7 Wants the Context of War Without its Baggage By Ben Sailer • April 10th, 2019 Even in an arcade game like Ace Combat 7, borrowing from real-world war narratives makes the whole “escapism” thing…awkward.
E-soterica Broken Reality Represents The Drudgery of Internet Culture By Khee Hoon Chan • April 10th, 2019 What fuels Broken Reality’s bizarro universe is the same kick of dopamine we get from the positive feedback from social media.