The Beatdown is Coming Back By Levi Rubeck • May 9th, 2019 Streets of Rage 4 is as much a mixtape rhythm game as it was a brawl simulator.
Cuter Than a Cat in a Bowtie By Levi Rubeck • May 2nd, 2019 There’s more to Outerloop Games’s Falcon Age than the titular falcon.
Looking Ahead to Panzer Paladin as it Looks Back By Levi Rubeck • April 25th, 2019 A pinch of Titanfall, a little Mega Man, a fair shake of a couple Zelda’s, all coming from the well-seasoned sprite chefs at Tribute, I was already on board with Panzer Paladin.
So the Katana is Back By Levi Rubeck • April 11th, 2019 Like black clothes and classic jams, some things never go out of style, and we might as well just pin ninjas to the list now and forever.
Let Jawbreaker Live By Levi Rubeck • April 4th, 2019 They were young, money and booze and tour life made things shitty, then it all fell apart, it’s nothing really new or altogether special.
The Sax Always Brings Me Back By Levi Rubeck • March 28th, 2019 Angel Du$t fooled the old fans by daring each to hate this laser-beam of everything they’ve ever worked towards.
Let the Hero Speak By Levi Rubeck • March 21st, 2019 Fiction finds common ground by showing us the ubiquity of life’s specificities—I may not have lost my hometown, but I can relate to the loss of loved ones.
Never is that Brief Flash Resented By Levi Rubeck • March 14th, 2019 When a relationship is sent crashing, the unmoored self can be so easily thrashed upon the rocks—it’s necessary to reaffirm that sense of self, to rejoin that once-blended ego.
New Street Fighter for Old Hands By Levi Rubeck • March 7th, 2019 A lot of games try to replicate, if not exactly duplicate, the inherent friction and flow of what’s splayed on screens, but not Street Fighter Exceed.
The Slither and the Bop By Levi Rubeck • February 28th, 2019 While there are many bands I love that I feel don’t get their due, I’m particularly chapped that I can hardly find mention of Just a Fire online