Unwinnable Presents: The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser – Episode 94: Zelda Jelly

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Somebody get me a doctor! It is Tuesday and a new episode of the Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser is here!

This week Josh tries to get everyone on Final Fantasy XIII, Rowan gives us a Chinese history lesson in Dynasty Warriors 8, and Jay wonders if there’s a little I Am Legend in his Shadow of Mordor. Plus, we compare everything to Far Cry 2, Red Faction, and Crackdown.

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Follow the show on Twitter @JoshandJayShow

Josh @joshuadoan
Jay @jaypullman
Rowan @RowanKaiser

Or send the guys an email.

The Josh and Jay Show featuring Rowan Kaiser is available on iTunes

Download this episode (right click and save)


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