Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 34



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This week we have jazz musician and staff writer for Kotaku Kirk Hamilton!

A  full house on this show with Brian Taylor, Ken Lucas, Gus Mastrapa, Don Becker, Charles Moran and Stu Horvath.

Kirk said if we asked nicely he might play a song for us. We ended up talking a lot about music, and of course we talked about videogames too.

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You can keep up with Kirk every day at Kotaku and on his personal website kirkhamilton.com

Be sure to check out his music at kirkhamilton.bandcamp.com

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Team Unwinnable on Twitter @TeamUnwinnable

Please email us at info@unwinnable.com

Call us anytime and leave a voice mail at 862-234-5760

Unlistenable is available on iTunes

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