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Flabbergast – Zombie Zombie Mambo 15

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Mark’s Commentary:

I had to draw a lot of zombies for this page and I had fun doing it. I included a few Easter eggs such as the MyPalMark kid face on one hat and “TMBG” on another hat for my favorite rock band, They Might Be Giants. You’ll notice the top half of the zombies have a red tint to them. I did this to bring out the action in the foreground more. When I first colored this page, all the colorful zombies in the background made the page feel too busy. Muting the colors a bit and having them share that same red hue really focuses the reader’s eye on the foreground action but still keeps those zombies interesting.

I am happy to say I conquered the 24-hour Comic Challenge by producing 24 pages of comics in 24 hours. I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of viewers like you! Yes, I broadcasted the whole day on MyPalMark.com and here on Unwinnable! It was a last-minute idea to do the live feed and I’m hoping to improve and build on it for next year’s event. It was great chatting with people checking in on my progress and I thank George of Team Unwinnable for that pizza power-up he delivered to my house. That was AWESOME! You can view all 24 pages on mypalmark.tumblr.com.

For those of you in the New Jersey area, I invite you to come see my band, The O>MATICS, perform at the Clash Bar in Clifton on Friday, October 7 and The Saint in Asbury Park on the 8th. I’ll have my books, including the O>Matics in Comics book about our adventures in Rock ‘n’ Roll!

Heads up for New York Comic Con! Add this booth to your schedule: Comic Book Diner booth at 2933! That’s where you can find me and other great artists including John Gallagher of Buzzboy, Rich Faber of Roboy Red, Jamar Nicholas of Fist Stick Knife Gun, Thomas Zahler of Love and Capes and the Timony Twins of Night Owls.

Fun times ahead!