The Geek Flea Aftermath

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On Saturday, Unwinnable held its very first geek-centric flea market, the aptly name Geek Flea. We would like to thank our vendors, our customers and you, Dear Reader, for making the even such a success. We need to sleep about a week to recover (it’s been a long road!) but when we do, you can be sure we will start planning something to top it.

In the meantime, let’s see what Team Unwinnable thought about the whole thing… 

Stu HorvathStu Horvath: Well, it wasn’t a disaster, so that’s a pretty good start.

But really, it was a fantastic time. I left with less stuff than I came in with, I got a snazzy Cobra Commander bust from the incredibly talented Rob Roberts (see Hambone’s blurb below for a link to his site), everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. So no, not a disaster at all… 

Charles Francis Moran VIChuck Moran: Ken bought food that was served in flames.



HamboneJohn McGuire: I am really glad I was working at the Geek Flea and only had $20 in my pocket or I would have bought so much stuff. I did pick up a hand made Thanos Candle from You read that right folks, an actual THANOS Candle. Candles are cool now.


IanIan Gonzales: This weekend, I was able to sell a lot of my stuff.  I met a man who was even more fanatical about Transformers than I am (believe me, that’s a feat). I discovered that the love of Star Wars and Superheros just may be a genetic trait (thanks to Unwinnable editor  Michael Sheridan, Friend of Unwinnable Dan Robinson and their wonderful families). Towards the end of the day, I sold a pretty girl a fistful of Boba Fetts (In retrospect, I should have asked for her number, but I digress).  What struck me the most was the amount of original product at the show. Whether it was Necronomicon soap, a comic book themed handbag or original art, the Geek Flea wasn’t just about selling one’s old comics and toys. The Geek Flea brought original geek-themed products to the public, and that’s what really stood out to me. All in all, I really enjoyed the show and I hope we do another one!

btdBTD: A funny thing happened on my way through the church hallway that lead to the Geek Flea, and I forgot to mention it to anyone because I was immediately distracted by a sea of humanity and Shawn Dillon playing Contra when I walked through the doors. But anyway, yeah, two kids were leaving the flea and one remarked to the other that they hope we do an even BIGGER one next year. Or something to that effect. Anyway, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!

DaveDave Trainer: I was not there. I had to work. Sources told me that many lives were changed.

Don Becker: The most impressive moment of the Geek Flea for me was walking in at 10:30 a.m. and seeing the church basement packed with both tables and customers. I realized then that what we had here was truly special. And while it was great leaving with less stuff than I came with, eating tasty empanadas and excellent baked goods, making that first sale and hanging out with Ken and Ian, the highlight of the day by far was Stu’s mom coming up to me and saying “I’m Don Becker.” That made my day!

Ken Lucas: The Geek Flea was tremendous fun and it was great to meet so many new people. I got my Death Ray pin and sold some stuff. I also witnessed a man transform into the dreaded “Ma-Cone”.