No Accounting for Tastes All Roads By Adam Boffa • September 10th, 2019 Despite being set over a century apart, Deadwood and Breaking Bad end up in surprisingly similar places.
The McMaster Files The Rose Colored Galaxy By Jason McMaster • September 10th, 2019 There are points when playing Rebel Galaxy Outlaw that Jason loses track of, not where he is, but when he is.
Studies on the Positive Effects of Video Games on Educational Achievements By Michael Turner • September 10th, 2019 There are plenty of positive effects of video games to students academic performance.
Forms in Light Living Architecture By Justin Reeve • September 6th, 2019 The architecture of Red Grave City comes alive in Devil May Cry 5.
The Heavy Pour Faking it to Make It: GLOW and the Power of Performance By Sara Clemens • September 5th, 2019 GLOW is a love letter to performance and the way it intertwines with work and life.
The Glass Delusion: The Most Popular Madness of the Middle Ages By Robin Mazzolla and Jen Sisco • September 4th, 2019 Imagine, one day, you feel that your body is made of glass…
Ferris Wheels and a Murder Castle: The Chicago World’s Fair and H.H. Holmes By Jen Sisco and Robin Mazzolla • September 4th, 2019 Jen looks at the horrible history of America’s first serial killer: H. H. Holmes.
Another Look Making Lore Personal By Yussef Cole • September 4th, 2019 Yussef sees a reflection of his own relationship with games in others’ deep dives into the minutia of their mythology.
Exploits Feature Noble Blood By Justin Reeve • September 3rd, 2019 Justin Reeve looks at how A Plague Tale handles the concept of noble blood.
Endless Quest By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • September 2nd, 2019 This week, we check out the old TSR Endless Quest gamebooks, then we get a head start on Halloween with some spooky games.