Holiday Gift Guide (Sorta) By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • December 6th, 2021 Better late than never!
Collision Detection Rethinking the Post-Apocalypse in Eastward By Ben Sailer • December 3rd, 2021 Post-apocalyptic stories are often framed as tales of what happens after everything ends. Eastward instead shows how life moves on.
Hyperfixations On the Death of Samus Aran By Julie Muncy • December 2nd, 2021 For Samus, her body is her central locus of meaning, the way both in which the world interprets her and in which she, so far as we can tell, interprets herself.
Self-Insert Soulmate Goose of Enforcement By Amanda Hudgins • December 1st, 2021 Geese exist to cause trouble. And honk. Or perhaps, help someone find the love of their life.
Another Look Solitary Masculinity By Yussef Cole • December 1st, 2021 The solitary, prepper-style know-how in 2018’s Leave No Trace feels eerily familiar to the masochistic “git gud” approach which has long plagued videogames.
Eyeing Elsewhere What Lies Beneath The Sand By Phillip Russell • November 30th, 2021 How deep into Dune is Hollywood willing to dig?
The Beat Box Noteworthy Hip Hop – November 2021 By Noah Springer • November 29th, 2021 They say if you play Mozart in the womb for your kid, they come out smarter. But what happens when you play them Wu-Tang on their first day of life?
Escape the Dark Castle By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • November 29th, 2021 Will you brave the horrors of the dungeon that stand between you and freedom? Yes! Will you survive? Ehhhhh…probably not. Plus, Celts, magic mushrooms and Caer Mundus!
Revving the Engine Mods & Mythology By Melissa King • November 24th, 2021 The Australian Writers’ Guild Award-winning and critically acclaimed The Forgotten City had humble beginnings as a Skyrim mod.