Tag: Wonder Woman

Wondering About Wonder Woman
It’s official: Wonder Woman will make her live action movie debut in the 2015 as-yet-unnamed sequel to Man of Steel. What role the character will play in the film, which also introduces a new Batman as well as Man of Steel‘s Superman, remains to be seen. Will the movie be a Superman/Batman story in which Wonder Woman plays a minor role? Will it be a Trinity story (as the three heroes are often called) in which all three get equal billing? Or, as some have suspected, is the unnamed 2015 movie a Justice League story that will also introduce the
The Wonder of Wonder Woman: Superhero Sexuality
The comic book world got all shook up this week with the surprise redress of one of the medium’s most iconic female characters.
Wonder Woman, the dark haired beauty with golden bracelets, knee-high boots and ample… powers, was given some new modern duds. Some like them, some don’t.
I would have to give the whole thing a big thumbs down. Not just because it makes the powerful princess seem hipster chic, but it strips the voluptuous heroine of her sexuality.