The Generous Mr. Valve By Charles Francis Moran VI • May 27th, 2011 Charles Moran takes a hallucinogenic tour of Gabe Newell’s audio library to discover the music of Portal 2 has been released for free.
Unlistenable Episode 8 By Team Unwinnable • April 7th, 2011 [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] For those of you following at home these are the show notes for the episode!
Gabe Newell: One Step into the Heart of Darkness By Charles Francis Moran VI • January 18th, 2011 Valve announces Portal 2 for Plastaytion 3 will include Crossplatform Multiplayer for both PC & Mac platforms.
Looking Out at You Looking In By Charles Francis Moran VI • September 15th, 2010 Sometimes when the fourth wall is broken, the audience can find themselves deeper in a fictional world then they previously thought possible. Here are some of those memorable and inspired moments in videogames.