Who Deserves the Future? By Jonathan Fenn • October 4th, 2024 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes highlights the lack of conviction from which post-apocalyptic stories often suffer, in their insistence in constantly refocusing on humanity’s story.
Letter to a Heroine Aerith By Melissa King • May 11th, 2021 For the one who most needed a phoenix down but couldn’t have one.
Here's the Thing I Hope the FFVII Remake Changes My Mind By Rob Rich • April 10th, 2020 Rob isn’t the biggest fan of Final Fantasy VII (to put it lightly) but he’s hoping that the upcoming remake will change that.
Sayonara Wild Hearts Exudes Queer Energy By Jeremy Signor • September 25th, 2019 Sayonara Wild Hearts is not only a celebration of the queer and feminine in games, but proof that these qualities have been part of the medium all along.
Why Video Game Music Matters By Sam Desatoff • August 3rd, 2017 The ability for game music to elicit that kind of psychological response is powerful, and doubly so when nostalgia is involved.
Shaping Worlds By Kaitlin Tremblay • August 20th, 2015 “My favorite thing about a new videogame map is how much of a blank slate it is”. Kaitlin Tremblay’s interpretation of a game’s world map is likely very different from your own.
Unwinnable Presents: Unlistenable Episode 59 – Internet Pronogrammer By Team Unwinnable • June 18th, 2015 Episode 59 is here and the team talks with adult film maker Aiden Riley and his love of crafting/survival games and feet.
Living Again By Rob Haines • March 7th, 2013 Rob Haines contemplates the nature of fractured realities when confronted with the physical presence of one’s own repeated death.
Worlds Without End By Jill Scharr • December 31st, 2012 Jill Scharr examines how “endings” aren’t what they used to be.
Blind Spot By Gus Mastrapa • August 10th, 2012 Gus Mastrapa has always loved games. Except when he couldn’t afford to.