Tag: Bioware

How to support videogames in 2019
Supporting a game in 2019 can be hard. the more you know about the industry, the more difficult it can become to support it, or easier to latch onto reasons why you should still do so. Malindy hetfeld looks at such reasons, and explains why you shouldn’t give into the urge to find middle ground.

The Biggest Choice You’ll Never Make
The following is a reprint from Unwinnable Weekly Issue Twenty-Seven. If you enjoy what you read, please consider purchasing the issue or subscribing. ——— The modern BioWare phenomenon begins with a choice. Part of the way through the first Mass Effect game (released in 2007), you and your party land on a planet called Virmire and you’re tossed into a big action sequence. At its climax, two of your party members leave to do two different things, something goes wrong and you have a choice: save Kaiden, or save Ashley? One lives. One dies. That’s not how big-budget games were supposed to