Another Look Hood Cyberpunk By Yussef Cole • August 7th, 2018 Cyberpunk stories don’t generally want, or need, to change society. It seems, rather, that they’re perfectly content partying in the rubble.
Revving the Engine Mine 18 By Stu Horvath • August 6th, 2018 Mile 18, a game about an abandoned Appalachian mining town, explores local history through videogame development. We talk to lead developer Lacey Lansaw.
E-soterica Finding Peace Where I Can Get It By Alyse Stanley • August 2nd, 2018 These indie puzzle games have particularly calmed my mind, providing a soothing digital sojourn in this whirlwind news climate.
Mini-Operas in Grind and Glitch By Levi Rubeck • July 26th, 2018 How grindcore taught me to appreciate Tierra Whack.
Pilot: Monster Manual II By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • July 8th, 2018 The debut episode of The Vintage RPG Podcast! Stu and John discuss Monster Manual II for first edition Dungeons & Dragons, the Big Trouble in Little China board game and much more!
Revving the Engine Mothergunship By Stu Horvath • July 6th, 2018 Joe Mirabello talks Mothergunship and creating the most ridiculous guns in videogames.
The Burnt Offering Powers of Darkness By Stu Horvath • July 4th, 2018 DontNod’s Vampyr, creating something disappointingly human out of our the monster of our collective nightmares.
Documentary Sunday Instrumental Intimacies: An Interview with Dr. Melissa Littlefield By Megan Condis • July 3rd, 2018 Melissa Littlefield, the author of Instrumental Intimacies: EEG Wearables and Neuroscientific Control, talks with Megan Condis about fashion technologies that can read our minds.
The Ticking Clock in Cultist Simulator By Bill Coberly • July 2nd, 2018 Cultist Simulator is about starting a cult, but it functions as a metaphor for a creative person struggling to keep their head above water while making time for the art that makes their life worthwhile.
Gingy's Corner Pink Rage Otome By Gingy Gibson • June 26th, 2018 There has to be more to a story than dialogue. Pink Rage Otome is what happens when you don’t follow that rule.