Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • November 6th, 2023 We’re hitting the road!
Interlinked Don’t Fear the Reaver By Phoenix Simms • November 3rd, 2023 Raziel, the tragic wraith protagonist of the Soul Reaver series, contains within his arc a nuanced portrayal of how an energy vampire is made and unmade.
The Ancestral Trail By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • October 23rd, 2023 Can you imagine waiting a fortnight for anything in this day and age? I can’t!
Exploits Feature Pop Culture Bubblegum Slurry By Michael Lee • October 2nd, 2023 “Just subscribe to Content Inc.’s new streaming service CRAM: Where we cram pop culture slurry down your throat until you die!”
Interlinked Grounding The Games Industry By Phoenix Simms • September 29th, 2023 Games, despite all their innovative trappings, are trash. To be more specific – games can create a lot of socioeconomic trash.