Reviews Vs. Advertising: A Response to IGN’s Dan Stapleton By Jed Pressgrove • March 7th, 2023 We live in a world where numbers carry weight. Why not use them as part of a commitment to genuine, divergent opinions?
Collision Detection Learning to Love Roguelikes with Deathloop By Ben Sailer • March 7th, 2023 Ben plays Deathloop and finally gets roguelikes, showing that sometimes all it takes for a genre to click is a change of context and perspective.
Made of Lines and Vines One Thousand and One Excuses By Saniya Ahmed • March 3rd, 2023 Orientalized media and tales aren’t replacements for actual people.
Mind Palaces Almost All About Eve By Maddi Chilton • March 3rd, 2023 She was flagrantly, cheerfully, and simply bisexual. Odd that her biographer did not seem to have noticed this.
For the Good of All Mankind: The Two Earliest Films Starring the Silver Masked Man By Orrin Grey • March 2nd, 2023 The state of these pictures can be attributed to the fact that they were the first of their kind, filmed simultaneously, on a shoestring budget and in quite a hurry.
Here Be Monsters Dead Space’s Unsettling Colonialism By Emma Kostopolus • March 2nd, 2023 If you’ve been reading this column, like, at all, you know that praise must always be coupled with loving criticism.
Past Presence Being So Normal By Emily Price • February 28th, 2023 Sally Rooney books are basically Victorian novels in millennial form, Middlemarch if Dorothea and Lydgate had cell phones and email.