Revenge of the Toy Hunter: Spring Spectacular
The last few months have been a blur due mostly to my projects with Unwinnable. We last left off at Toy Fair 2011 and after that I moved on to Pax East 2011 in Boston. Then after a bout with Pax Pox and a concussion, we flowed into the ground breaking Geek Flea. I got to see some great toys in between but I don’t always crave toys in the traditional sense of an action figure or robot. Sure, I just bought the exclusive version of Sideshow Toy’s Red Ninja from their G.I. Joe license and even though that is
Miskatonic Theatre
When one thinks of the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft, especially one who is already familiar with his works, downtown Manhattan isn’t the first thing that springs to mind. Generally the 20th Century’s master of the weird tale causes people to think of long dead underwater cities, reeking chthonic tunnels and dark clusters of ancient forests. But, if you’re in the city, and are an intrepid investigator, you’ll have head down to Manhattan’s East Village. There you’ll mount the cracked and pitted stone stairs outside of 85 East 4th Street. Once inside you’ll sidle up to a ticket-booth, a glass partition
Last Week’s Comic Book Reviews
Comic Reviews: Week of March 28th Action Comics #899 (DC – writer: Paul Cornell; art: Jesus Merino) I’ll be damned if Paul Cornell doesn’t write the best Superman stories. We haven’t seen Superman in about nine issues, and I couldn’t be happier. Paul Cornell has made Lex Luthor beyond interesting as a lead character. We know he’s a genius, and we know he’s evil, but Cornell reminds readers that Lex is also ruthless and calculating, and just plain awesome. The story so far has centered around Lex’s attempts to control the power of the black rings introduced in “Blackest Night,”