Game Dev 101: There’s a First Time for Everything By Kenneth J. Lucas • August 30th, 2011 Ken Lucas goes to San Francisco for the first ROBLOX Rally and finds his inner videogame designer.
Post-Traumatic By Stu Horvath • August 30th, 2011 The day surreal point and click adventure Trauma came out, I was excited to dive into what was bound to be a deep psychological experience. If Trauma was a pool, I would have a broken neck.
Decomposition Break By Kenneth J. Lucas • August 30th, 2011 Who needs The Walking Dead? We’ve got We’re Alive, a serialized electronic broadcast about surviving a zombie holocaust. Unwinnable is sold.
Flabbergast – Zombie Zombie Mambo 10 By Mark Mariano • August 29th, 2011 Our heroes are grilled by scientists and secrets are revealed. Flabbergast: Zombie Zombie Mambo continues!
Rookie of the Year: The Voice of God By Matt Marrone • August 29th, 2011 Matt Marrone is enjoying Xbox Live’s Summer of Arcade title Bastion – leftover Microsoft Points, disappointing voiceover and all.
Unwinnable Reports: Hurricane Irene Attacks New York By Stu Horvath • August 27th, 2011 The hurricane is coming! The hurricane is coming! Tune in to Unwinnable for your latest hysterical updates!
More Human Than Denton By Stu Horvath • August 26th, 2011 We’re fans of the cutscenes in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Check out this trailer for a taste.
UNATCO Break By Stu Horvath • August 26th, 2011 The original Deus Ex was conceived as the story of the biggest conspiracy theory ever, so it stands to reason that the plot lines of the three games might be a treacherous tangle for new players. Thank God for wikis, right?
I Dream of Electric Sheep – Deus Ex: Human Revolution Reviewed By Stu Horvath • August 26th, 2011 Stu Horvath looks at the near-future stealth-based shooter Deus Ex: Human Revolution from Eidos Montreal and ponders the ethics of cybernetics.
Life After Steve: Is This the End of Apple? By Don Becker • August 25th, 2011 Does Steve Jobs’ departure spell the end of Apple? Don Becker says no.