Monster Movie Mash – Part Two By Team Unwinnable • October 25th, 2011 Dave Trainer watches [REC], Olivia Davis watches Prince of Darkness and Erik Weinbrecht watches Freaks and together they share their first impressions.
Believe, Bruv! An Interview with Attack The Block’s Joe Cornish By Ian Gonzales • October 25th, 2011 Ian Gonzales joins in a roundtable interview with Attack the Block director Joe Cornish at New York Comic Con 2011.
Have a Super Death! By Bee Tee Dee • October 25th, 2011 Bee Tee Dee takes a cinematic look at what fun abilities we can look forward to in the afterlife.
Monster Movie Mash – Part One By Don Becker • October 24th, 2011 Don Becker starts off the Unwinnable Monster Movie Mash by watching John Carpenter’s The Thing for the very first time.
A Day in the Life of Batman: Arkham City Reviewed By George Collazo • October 24th, 2011 George Collazo looks at Batman: Arkham City and sees a perfect Batman videogame.
The Hearse Song: A Bee Tee Dee Comic By Bee Tee Dee • October 24th, 2011 ‘Tis Halloween time, and Unwinnable’s Bee Tee Dee felt compelled to illustrate “The Hearse Song” (or as you kiddies may remember it, “The Worms Crawl In”)!
Unwinnable presents: Unpinnable – The All Wrestling Show! By Team Unwinnable • October 21st, 2011 [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] You have heard the rumors, it is now finally here. Unpinnable, the All Wrestling Show!
A Comic Con Virgin Deflowered By Timothy ODonnell • October 21st, 2011 Unwinnable’s Timothy O’Donnell slowly undresses before the mighty libido of New York Comic Con 2011. Just close your eyes and think of Endor, Tim.
Makoto Shinkai: An Auteur’s Evolution By Daniel Imperiale • October 21st, 2011 Makoto Shinkai’s got a new film – somehow with a longer title than the last one – and Unwinnable’s got the goods on it!
This Week’s Exciting Conclusion to the NYCC Photos! By Team Unwinnable • October 21st, 2011 Team Unwinnable makes one final trip to New York Comic Con as our photo slideshows conclude!