Peter Jackson’s King Kong By Amanda Hudgins • March 13th, 2017 If you can get past that extended timeline, you still have to put up with a plot that drags along in a way that would make glaciers envious.
Savlonic: Viral to Hit By Diego Nicolás Argüello • March 11th, 2017 “I will always remember how Savlonic went from being a YouTube viral sensation to being an actual hit in the music industry.”
Walking the Line with Patchwork By Sam Desatoff • March 9th, 2017 “There’s something incredibly appealing about a game meant just for two–it can feel intimate and casual and competitive all at once.”
Let Me Make Mistakes: A Plea to Developers By Matthew Byrd • March 9th, 2017 If the medium is going to mature, we need developers willing to make players feel dumb, allowing them the chance to figure things out via trial and error.
Artist Spotlight: Alex Bertram-Powell By Stu Horvath • March 8th, 2017 We chat with Alex Betram-Powell about the whys and wherefores of his art.
Last Week’s Comics 3/8/2017 By Michael Edwards, Sal Lucci and Sara Clemens • March 8th, 2017 Team Unwinnable shares their thoughts on this week’s Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #1, last week’s Paper Girls # 12 & the classic Old Man Logan.
Are Twitch Streamers Entertainers, Or Advertisers? By Matt Sayer • March 7th, 2017 With Twitch paying streamers to sell games, it’s going to be more difficult than ever to separate genuine praise from paid promotion.
The Fall of Lazarus Warns Us About the Dangers of an AI Takeover By Khee Hoon Chan • March 7th, 2017 “Such stories tap into our fear of technology’s destructive powers, and have been around since the industrial revolution”
A Disappointment of Dads: Logan is Just Alright By Amanda Hudgins • March 6th, 2017 “We are supposed to give Logan credit because it tried, because it’s better than its peers. But trying does not mean you succeed.”
Breath of the Wild is Great But Inaccessible By David Shimomura • March 6th, 2017 “My dream was for the Switch to blow up the gates to gaming, to be open to as many people as possible. Instead, one of its best launch titles is the gates incarnate.”