This Mortal Coyle Bea Santello By Deirdre Coyle • March 6th, 2018 My favorite of Bea’s qualities is that she’s tired.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Myth-making and Historical Accuracy By Reid McCarter • March 2nd, 2018 “Making Henry believable is a process of selection – of sorting out what’s important to Deliverance’s designers and what isn’t. It reflects, in its own small way, their priorities.”
The Board Soul Drafting 102 By Jeremy Signor • March 1st, 2018 Though its many options can overwhelm absolute beginners, Bunny Kingdom’s very visual gameplay language makes it great for teaching the finer points of drafting.
Last Week's Comics Last Week’s Comics 2/28/2018 By Sara Clemens and Michael Edwards • February 28th, 2018 Team Unwinnable shares their thoughts on two legendary comics – Elf Quest and Inside Moebius.
The Burnt Offering The New Make-Believe By Stu Horvath • February 28th, 2018 When most folks have a mid-life crisis, they buy a sports car. Stu Horvath frets about his ability to run tabletop roleplaying games.
Cascading through the Mud with Coalesce and Meatwound By Levi Rubeck • February 28th, 2018 It was orchestrated chaos that kept even the die-hard karate kids in the pit at bay, which is no small feat.
Who’s that Knocking at My Door? By James Fudge • February 27th, 2018 A specter is haunting James’ family.
Rain World’s Brutal Metaphysics By Sam Zucchi • February 27th, 2018 The circle of life is not a metaphor for the operation of an ecosystem, but a lived reality; sometimes you are prey and sometimes you are predator—but you will remember either way.
Feature Excerpt Observer’s Videogame Aesthetic By Edward Smith • February 26th, 2018 It is not discursive or a broad parable; Observer’s themes are emotional and less tangible.
Letter from the Editor Diversity and Inclusion are Fucking Important By Stu Horvath • February 23rd, 2018 Yesterday, we called for submissions from writers of diverse backgrounds. I want to talk about the thinking behind that decision.