Procreation of the Wicked By Astrid Budgor • August 10th, 2018 “They rip him apart as he grins, nerve-endings aflame with the liquor of pain, finally accepting an eternity of obliterative bliss.”
Gingy's Corner Wanted: Dragon By Gingy Gibson • August 10th, 2018 Why save the kingdom when you could conquer it?
Here's The Thing Superman’s Disguise isn’t as Silly as You Think By Rob Rich • August 9th, 2018 Everyone always makes fun of the absurdity of Superman’s “Clark Kent” disguise, but Rob thinks it’s a lot more plausible than people give it credit for.
Sneaking Things into Games By Steven Thornton • August 9th, 2018 Alongside the official game secrets and easter eggs so often collected in blog lists and video countdowns, are the fingerprints of an entire team: hidden in plain sight.
Janet, The Good Place and Morality By Sam Desatoff • August 8th, 2018 The Good Place smartly, and refreshingly, layers a lighthearted comedy on top of the typically grim theme.
Another Look Hood Cyberpunk By Yussef Cole • August 7th, 2018 Cyberpunk stories don’t generally want, or need, to change society. It seems, rather, that they’re perfectly content partying in the rubble.
Chasm Emerges from the Depths By Levi Rubeck • August 7th, 2018 Chasm ticks all the boxes, but at the same time suffers from its own success. I want it to be just a little bit more.
Elon Musk’s iPod Submarine Throws So Much Shade By Khee Hoon Chan • August 7th, 2018 Elon Musk, patron saint of mansplainers everywhere, now has another achievement he can unabashedly lay claims to.
Revving the Engine Mine 18 By Stu Horvath • August 6th, 2018 Mile 18, a game about an abandoned Appalachian mining town, explores local history through videogame development. We talk to lead developer Lacey Lansaw.
idk take your kid to see eighth grade By Amanda Hudgins • August 6th, 2018 Eighth Grade made me want to crawl out of my skin in a way that I haven’t felt since The Babadook but instead of a screaming child, it was middle school awkwardness