The Usurper Noteworthy Metal – November By Astrid Budgor • November 30th, 2018 Astrid’s on a K-pop kick right now, so you know this month’s metal has to be good if it pulled her away.
Old Dog, New WASD By Levi Rubeck • November 29th, 2018 Levi has controller problems, but the public stage of Overwatch is not the place to practice new configurations.
Solace Amidst the Wreckage of Kursk By Khee Hoon Chan • November 29th, 2018 It is a strange thing when a game about a submarine disaster is a calming experience and potential sleep aid.
Here's the Thing No, Shut Up, Brutal Legend is Great By Rob Rich • November 29th, 2018 People loved to dump on Brutal Legend when it released, but Rob stubbornly maintains that it was (and still is) a great game.
Pivot By Jeremy Signor • November 28th, 2018 How two games handle their key moments forever codified the Metroidvania genre.
Documentary Sunday Terrace House By Megan Condis • November 28th, 2018 Unlike on American reality television, at no point do any of the residents of Terrace House seem interested in ceasing to be polite and starting to get “real.”
E-soterica Indie Games for the Overworked and Underslept By Alyse Stanley • November 28th, 2018 Sleeping is for the weak. Play these indie games instead.
Imprisoned in Paradise: The Leper Colony of Hawaii By Jen Sisco and Robin Mazzolla • November 27th, 2018 Notorious Narratives demystifies the Hawaiian leper colony at Kalaupapa.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Influenced Persona 4 and I Have Proof By Kris Ligman • November 27th, 2018 It goes deeper than being two stories about a bunch of teenagers using magic to stop a serial killer.
Lore’d of the Rings: The Horror of Knowledge By David Shimomura • November 27th, 2018 They say knowledge is power, but sometimes it is just isolating.