You Better Watch Out By Zack Kotzer • December 20th, 2018 People are crazy about Christmas the same way Stadling is crazy about it, there’s just fewer murders.
The Master of Unlocking By Jeremy Signor • December 19th, 2018 Unlocking aspects of a game is an old bit of gameplay feedback that’s still satisfying.
E-soterica The Contradiction of Language in Subserial Network By Khee Hoon Chan • December 19th, 2018 The use of language is instrumental to Subserial Network, and it’s refreshing to see how certain words are used to subvert our expectations of this world.
A Gift From the Algorithm: Crokinole By David Shimomura • December 18th, 2018 Trying to understand why any particular video on YouTube gets recommended to any particular person is probably as easy to do as land a spaceship on the moon.
You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat: The Shark Attacks of 1916 By Jen Sisco and Robin Mazzolla • December 18th, 2018 **Jaws theme**
Letter From the Editor Unwinnable Monthly – December 2018 By Stu Horvath • December 17th, 2018 Our final issue of the year is jam packed with thought provoking stories. Find out more here!
Ludum Dare 43 Makes Sacrifices in the Best Way By Alyse Stanley • December 17th, 2018 So many good games made in just 48 hours.
The Weird World of Neon Genesis Evangelion Spinoffs By Malindy Hetfeld • December 17th, 2018 Neon Genesis Evangelion stands out as a series that used spinoffs to open up some more opportunities to market something, anything to fans, while potentially hurting the source material in the process.
The Chest By Stu Horvath • December 14th, 2018 Unwinnable chats with Ferenc Vincze about his animated film The Chest, made using Unreal Engine 4.
Argent and the Struggle for Power By Sam Desatoff • December 13th, 2018 Beginning the game felt nearly insurmountable, like climbing a cardboard Everest.