Ludum Dare 43 Makes Sacrifices in the Best Way By Alyse Stanley • December 17th, 2018 So many good games made in just 48 hours.
The Weird World of Neon Genesis Evangelion Spinoffs By Malindy Hetfeld • December 17th, 2018 Neon Genesis Evangelion stands out as a series that used spinoffs to open up some more opportunities to market something, anything to fans, while potentially hurting the source material in the process.
The Chest By Stu Horvath • December 14th, 2018 Unwinnable chats with Ferenc Vincze about his animated film The Chest, made using Unreal Engine 4.
Argent and the Struggle for Power By Sam Desatoff • December 13th, 2018 Beginning the game felt nearly insurmountable, like climbing a cardboard Everest.
The Gentle Furor of GDJYB’s Math-Folk By Khee Hoon Chan • December 13th, 2018 Asian math rock band GDJYB has all the intricate musical structures of regular math rock, but centers soft, politically charged vocals.
When I Flip a Card, I Hear the Sounds of Transforming By Levi Rubeck • December 13th, 2018 The Tranformers CCG is…more than meets the eye. (not sorry)
The Catch By Jeremy Signor • December 12th, 2018 The raw feeling of capturing a Pokémon is augmented in Pokémon Let’s Go.
E-soterica Adorable Point-and-Click Games, Rise! By Alyse Stanley • December 12th, 2018 The media would have you think this genre is dead. But they haven’t played A Frog Detective or Nairi.
Cancer, OCD, Spider-Man & Me By Blake Hester • December 12th, 2018 Sometimes you just need a fucking break. Sometimes you don’t need to be challenged, sometimes you just need to drown out all the noise.