Here's the Thing The Significance of Context By Rob Rich • May 7th, 2019 Context isn’t always necessary, but Rob posits that it can and will affect how we think about something – consciously or not.
Endgame and the Specter of Representation By Amanda Hudgins • May 6th, 2019 Endgame is such an excellent example of fan service being used to wash the sins of a deeply mediocre film.
Feature Excerpt Godzilla is Political By Haru Nicol • May 6th, 2019 It’s impossible to untangle Godzilla from the nuclear anxieties that lead to the kaiju’s creation.
Feature Excerpt Hints of Depth in Pikuniku’s Flat World By Jon Bailes • May 6th, 2019 While Pikuniku’s narrative mostly sticks to the shallow end, it offers neat observations about the distractions of consumerism
No Accounting for Tastes Which Theme Goes With Everything? By Adam Boffa • May 5th, 2019 A journey to find a specific Street Fighter II theme that matches his childhood memories leads Adam down an SFII rabbit hole.
Backlog Nats Fans Bid Kid Fuck Off By Gavin Craig • May 4th, 2019 It’s not personal. It’s just money.
The McMaster Files When Building a Banana Republic, Morality Isn’t Exactly a Priority By Jason McMaster • May 3rd, 2019 Tropico 6 has a lot of personality, so long as you don’t mind getting your hands dirty.
Cuter Than a Cat in a Bowtie By Levi Rubeck • May 2nd, 2019 There’s more to Outerloop Games’s Falcon Age than the titular falcon.
Exploits Feature A Seven-Year-Old’s Taste in Music By Ed Coleman • May 1st, 2019 “Having all the music in the world readily available has not stopped kids from obsessively playing their favorite songs over and over. And over. And over. And three more times.”