Episode 13: Blackout Club By Sara Clemens and David Shimomura • August 14th, 2019 Come for the Stranger Things comparisons, stay for the harrowing tales of sins Unwinnablers committed!
Collision Detection Abe’s Oddysee, Ahead of Its Time By Ben Sailer • August 14th, 2019 The PlayStation classic Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee offers poignant commentary on how to handle catastrophic circumstances that feel bigger than yourself.
E-soterica Attack of the Earthlings Bakes Humor Into Its Freakish DNA By Khee Hoon Chan • August 13th, 2019 Attack of the Earthlings wants to be a wise-cracking asshole and will keep tossing punchlines if that means you’ll continue to laugh your belly raw.
Rookie of the Year Am I Dead? By Matt Marrone • August 13th, 2019 Do you ever wonder what happens to those Words with Friends rivals when you move on to other apps?
Forms in Light Planning Novigrad By Justin Reeve • August 12th, 2019 If The Witcher 3’s largest city seems easy to navigate, it’s all in your head.
Backlog Repeating Being By Gavin Craig • August 9th, 2019 Gavin muses about repetition while he muses about repetition while he muses about….
No Accounting for Tastes Undoing Ruin By Adam Boffa • August 8th, 2019 In Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Hayao Miyazaki provides an early glimpse of the concerns – and hopes – that would inform his filmmaking career.
Checkpoint SMASH By Corey Milne • August 7th, 2019 In Corey’s mind, Nintendo is only second to Disney when it comes to pure brand power. And he has the nostalgia to prove it.
Memescape Choose Your Own Twitter Thread By Alyse Stanley • August 6th, 2019 A.K.A. when Twitter role-played as Beyonce’s assistant.
The Not So Sweet Story of The Bradford Candy Scandal By Jen Sisco and Robin Mazzolla • August 6th, 2019 Would you believe that in the 19th century there were very few regulations on the preparation of food? This changed all that.