Immortals Fenyx Rising: Interview with Jeffrey Yohalem By W.C. Hoag • December 4th, 2020 Ancient Greeks took their entertainment seriously—these people invented theatres, after all—and Greek dramas served to investigate the world they lived in and what it means to be human.
No Accounting for Taste Leap of Faith By Adam Boffa • December 4th, 2020 When game industry realism and creative ambition collide.
Self-Insert Tagging By Amanda Hudgins • December 3rd, 2020 Tagging fics is both a conversation and a function in fanfiction.
Casting Deep Meteo Searing and Soaring with Jeremy Enigk By Levi Rubeck • December 2nd, 2020 Ghosts captures an experienced sense of hope that blooms straight off of How It Feels.
Exploits 2010 – 2019 By Stu Horvath • December 1st, 2020 Do not party like it’s 2019. Wear masks. Be socially distant. Stay home.
The Heavy Pour Christmas Time is Here By Sara Clemens • December 1st, 2020 Fact: There is one single, perfect, perennial Christmas album.
This Mortal Coyle The Forest Spirit By Deirdre Coyle • December 1st, 2020 “I would be grateful to see the forest come to life.”
2800 words on Ready Player Two By Amanda Hudgins • November 30th, 2020 The weirdest thing about Ready Player Two is that it decides to confront the criticisms of Ready Player One head on in the least effective way you could imagine.
Letter to a Heroine Fire Keeper By Melissa King • November 30th, 2020 Will you continue to guard the flame? Will you return to as it always has been?
Chivalry & Sorcery By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • November 30th, 2020 Chivalry and sorcery and…dinosaurs?