Ashley Riot and the Human Workshop By Andrei Filote • April 21st, 2021 A bit of cleverness that belongs to Vagrant Story is its anticipating the medium’s power to transform mechanical play into story devices and narrative into a concrete praxis.
Nightlife By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • April 19th, 2021 An RPG about playing creatures of the night, a year before White Wolf’s World of Darkness.
Letters from the Editors Unwinnable Monthly, April 2021 By David Shimomura and Stu Horvath • April 15th, 2021 Big doings on the party boat this month! Oh, and all the normal magazine stuff too!
Days of Beasts and Cocaine: An Alex de la Iglesia Double-Feature By Orrin Grey • April 15th, 2021 That’s what I did; two-fisting this particular double-feature with a shot of Day of the Beast and a chaser of Perdita Durango.
about 3000 words on K-pop novels By Amanda Hudgins • April 14th, 2021 Despite these books having so little to do with each other – they vary wildly in terms of audience, genre, and quality – they have so much in common.
Antiracist Cosmic Horror By Noah Berlatsky • April 13th, 2021 A companion to Noah Berlatsky’s March feature story!
’68 Releases a Menu Worthy of the Meal By Levi Rubeck • April 13th, 2021 This wasn’t a boast but a call-to-arms, and there are many who took on the charge.
David Hoskins Interview By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • April 12th, 2021 You’ve seen his pen work in Acid Death Fantasy, The Isle of the Plangent Mage and, soon, in Through Ultan’s Door.