Meat and Potatoes Country: Nightmare at Noon (1988) on Blu-ray By Orrin Grey • December 23rd, 2022 To an enormous extent, your enjoyment of (and even tolerance for) Nightmare at Noon will rely largely on how much affection you have for these actors, since they’re the beating heart of the film.
Past Presence Enter the Gremlins By Emily Price • December 23rd, 2022 Emily’s (live) reactions to the movie, time stamped if you want to watch along.
Revving the Engine How Dracma Studios is Lighting Its Own Path With Candle Knight By Ben Sailer • December 22nd, 2022 Mexico-based Dracma Studios is creating more than just an intriguing platformer with Candle Knight. They’re lighting a path forward for themselves (and developers across Latin America).
Friction Burns Power Without Control In Pentiment By Ruth Cassidy • December 21st, 2022 Pentiment is a game about the changing balance of social power, and this uncomfortable dinner sets the stage for how even words are catalysts of change.
Feature Story On Gremlin-tology By David Shimomura • December 21st, 2022 As humans, we like to have answers as to why. Why did my brand-new air fryer work only once? Why did my car just sputter and stop? Why did that airplane go down for seemingly no reason? Gremlins.
Made of Lines and Vines Sands That Set Planets Apart By Saniya Ahmed • December 20th, 2022 Sable is a desert of mystery, technological science, and whimsicality.
Feature Excerpt An Ode to Little Freaks By Phillip Russell • December 20th, 2022 On a surface level, Gremlins is a movie that evokes classic horror tropes, but when you dig deeper you find a meta horror satire that attempts to comment on American excess and consumerism.
Here's the Thing The End of Return to Monkey Island By Rob Rich • December 19th, 2022 After reaching the end of the latest Monkey Island game, Rob was surprised by how hard he was hit by the ending.
Forms in Light Anatomy of an Airplane By Justin Reeve • December 19th, 2022 This might be the moment to take an architectural approach to the best warbird of them all, the P51 Mustang.
Dragonroar By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • December 19th, 2022 Cry havoc and let slip the hedgehogs of war!