The Man That Time Forgot – Edward Page Mitchell and the Burden of Anonymity By Peter Lang • September 27th, 2010 Seven years before H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine, the real birth of science fiction happened with Edward Page Mitchell’s The Clock That Went Backward.
Get Illuminated, Get Lamp By Charles Francis Moran VI • September 24th, 2010 In the documentary Get Lamp, computer historian and director Jason Scott guides us through the very early days of computer gaming, when there were no graphics – only text.
Genesis Does: My Ex-Girlfriend By Matt Marrone • September 23rd, 2010 Matt Marrone isn’t done with Phantasy Star II. It turns out, the old Sega Genesis game is actually a cruel commentary on his life and his loves.
Ian vs. the 90s By Ian Gonzales • September 22nd, 2010 Superman was not Superman and Batman was not Batman. The only super hero I could get into was a hell-born baby brought to our world by a mad monk. It was the 1990s and it was a dark time for comics.
Gimme a Break: Legendary Axe By Garrett Martin • September 20th, 2010 Each week, Garrett Martin takes a break to play a weird old videogame. Then he tells Unwinnable about it. This week, it is Legendary Axe fort the Turbo-Grafx 16.
Stranger in a Strange Land By Stu Horvath • September 17th, 2010 You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded front door.
Dollar Comics! By Ian Gonzales • September 16th, 2010 Dollar Comics: perfect place for new comic readers to sample the crème de la crème of modern comics.
‘Star Wars: The Solo Adventures’ short film makes Han cool again! By Michael Sheridan • September 16th, 2010 Ever wonder what the lost cargo was that got Han Solo, smuggler and intergalactic rascal, and sidekick Chewbacca in such trouble with Jabba the Hutt? Well, this computer-animated film has the answer.
Looking Out at You Looking In By Charles Francis Moran VI • September 15th, 2010 Sometimes when the fourth wall is broken, the audience can find themselves deeper in a fictional world then they previously thought possible. Here are some of those memorable and inspired moments in videogames.