A Salute To Nightmare Fuel! By Bee Tee Dee • October 25th, 2010 Bee Tee Dee reveals the dark origins of… Nightmare Fuel!
Bring on the Spooky-Scary By Stu Horvath • October 22nd, 2010 A look at some of the artwork from books that warped my childhood.
Confessions of an Xbox 360 Repairman By George Collazo • October 21st, 2010 George has a problem far beyond the Red Ring of Death. He can’t stop fixing Xboxes.
Scribblenauts Makes Me Happy By Stu Horvath • October 20th, 2010 Who would win in a fight: God Almighty or Cthulhu?
The Batman Who Wasn’t There By Ian Gonzales • October 20th, 2010 In 1997, the Bat Gravy Train came to a quick, neon soaked end but that didn’t stop fans from scouring the internet for evidence of a new Batman who wasn’t there.
I Wanna be a Blue Sky Ranger! By Don Becker • October 19th, 2010 Don Becker reclaims a piece of his youth by buying a vintage Intellivision and several cartridges.
Hellraiser III: Hell on DVD By Ian Gonzales • October 18th, 2010 Hellraiser III and Nightmare on Elm Street 5, how the hell could things get any worse?
The (Manifest?) Destiny of Hollow Earth: Does Science Fiction Belong to America? By Peter Lang • October 15th, 2010 Pete Lang explores the history of of a forgotten land. Join him on his journey to the Hollow Earth.
I Retire As Champion By Matt Marrone • October 14th, 2010 Matt Marrone taunts his Words With Friends pals by flaunting his superior intellect.
2099: A Disgrace Odyssey By Ian Gonzales • October 13th, 2010 Welcome to the Marvel Universe in the year 2099 – over one hundred years in the future and the 90s still suck.