Anime is for Feminists, I Think: Part 2
Just before PAX, we took a look at Kino no Tabi and its place among the few anime that could be deemed feminist. We concluded with the promise of violence–a promise I fully intend to keep as this week we take a look at Kanabe Mamoru’s Elfen Lied, a brilliantly violent series based on the manga by Okamoto Lynn that is either the most profound or most offensive feminist statement in anime. A bit of plot summary can be found in my Elfen entry on underappreciated anime. For our purposes here, we’ll dive right in.
Coffee Break With Snake ‘n’ Bacon
I’m a big fan of Michael Kupperman’s Tales Designed To Thrizzle. It’s one of the most absurd and hysterical comics I’ve read since my uncle gave me a stack of Steve Gerber Howard The Duck comics as a kid. In 2009, Mr. Kupperman and company put together a pilot for Adult Swim. It hit YouTube last week. Enjoy!