Flash Rave! By Matt Marrone • August 4th, 2011 Unwinnable joins the hive mind to take part in Improv Everywhere’s mp3 Experiment 8 in Manhattan.
Punisher Without A Cause/Larry David With A Rocket Launcher By Bee Tee Dee • August 4th, 2011 Falling Down has a lot riding against it. It’s a cranky baby boomer’s revenge fantasy and a Michael Douglas movie that’s not called Wonder Boys. On the other hand, it does contain some sublime early-’90s moments.
Superhero Movie Smack Down Results By Stu Horvath • August 3rd, 2011 The results are in! Team Unwinnable fought over their favorite superhero movies, and you picked the winner. Also: Team Unwinnable learned that you are really weird people.
EA Facing Lawsuit for NCAA Games, Stands to Lose 25% of Annual Revenue By Peter Lang • August 3rd, 2011 EA is facing a lawsuit and stands to lose an estimated $1 billion for the unlawful use of player likenesses in its NCAA series.
The Artists of War By Brian Bannen • August 3rd, 2011 “There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.” –Sun Tzu, The Art Of War.
Last Week’s Comics 8/3/2011 By Brian Bannen • August 3rd, 2011 Brian Bannen reviews Amazing Spider-Man #666, Ghost Rider: Fear Itself #1 and Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search For Swamp Thing #2.
Non-Canon Coffee Break By Ian Gonzales • August 3rd, 2011 Ian Gonzales takes a coffee break with the non-canon Star Trek Wiki, Memory Beta.
A San Diego Comic-Con, Part Three: A Drink Best Served Strong By Ethan Sacks • August 2nd, 2011 The ride comes to an end as red carpets, Syfy sliders and high scores at Centipede punctuate Ethan Sacks’ adventures at Comic-Con.
Flabbergast – Zombie Zombie Mambo 6 By Mark Mariano • August 2nd, 2011 Uh oh. Someone just got bit by a zombie. Maybe punching zombies isn’t a good idea after all. Flabbergast: Zombie Zombie Mambo continues!
Bane Battles the Bat By Peter Lang • August 1st, 2011 How do you unwind after a drag-out fight on the steps of Gotham City Hall? Have a rap battle, of course.