Little Big Barda Part 2: High Acetone Cosplay By Alicia Miller • November 4th, 2011 Alicia Miller returns from the shadows to detail her double life as Big Barda during NYCC 2011.
Japan to Build Neo-Tokyo! By Daniel Imperiale • November 3rd, 2011 Japanese lawmakers propose to build a backup Tokyo to provide salvation in crisis (like an earthquake, or an attack from a giant monster).
Another World Turns 20, Launches for iOS By Charles Francis Moran VI • November 3rd, 2011 Twenty years after its initial release, Another World still captivates the likes of Charles Moran.
Get Prone With Battlefield 3 By Charles Francis Moran VI • November 3rd, 2011 And what rough Battlefield 3, its hour come round at last, slouches toward the reintroduction of jets to be badass?
The Choice Is Theirs: X-Men Destiny By Brian Taylor • November 2nd, 2011 Brian Taylor plays X-Men Destiny twice, hoping the second time around he can choose to like it.
Last Week’s Comics 11/02/2011 By Brian Bannen • November 2nd, 2011 Brian Bannen reviews Batman: The Dark Knight #2, The Flash #2 and Aquaman #2 in this week’s edition of Last Week’s Comics.
Goongala! It’s Casey Jones – The Movie By Dave Trainer • November 2nd, 2011 Dave Trainer satisfies his masked vigilante fetish with the Casey Jones movie.
Does Whatever a Hacked Out Game Can – Spider-Man: Edge of Time Reviewed By Ian Gonzales • November 1st, 2011 Ian Gonzales’ enthusiasm dissolves like hour-old web fluid as he plays Spider-Man: Edge of Time.
Welcome Back, Buttmunches By Michael Edwards • November 1st, 2011 Mike Edwards heads back to the couch for the return of MTV’s dynamic duo, Beavis and Butt-Head.
Grand Theft Auto V Predictions By Team Unwinnable • October 31st, 2011 Team Unwinnable wonders what Grand Theft Auto V might be about…and comes up with some ridiculous theories.