Dead and Back Again By Michael Edwards • January 25th, 2012 How do comic book characters come back from the dead? Michael Edwards counts the ways.
Last Week’s Comics 1/25/2012 By Brian Bannen • January 25th, 2012 Brian Bannen reviews Superior #7, Planet of the Apes #10 and Batman #5 in this week’s edition of Last Week’s Comics.
A Silver Lining of Sorts By Stu Horvath • January 25th, 2012 Stu Horvath continues his meditation on death and looks to find meaning and purpose after loss.
Dracula Sucked By Team Unwinnable • January 24th, 2012 Erika Haase takes a satirical look at Bram Stoker’s Dracula and discovers we should be rooting for the vampire.
An Inoculation Against Grief By Stu Horvath • January 24th, 2012 Stu Horvath muses on grief, euthanasia and Far Cry 2.
Death and Gaming By Stu Horvath • January 23rd, 2012 Stu Horvath explains how videogames, and his friends, helped him deal with the death of his father.
Vixens Break By Team Unwinnable • January 22nd, 2012 Team Unwinnable is psyched for the Vixens of Virtue Vixens of Vice Season 2 DVD.
The Second Coming of GoldenEye By Stefan T Jeremiah • January 21st, 2012 Guest writer Stefan Jeremiah expounds on his love of GoldenEye 007 and the joys of rinsing.
A Planet Where Apes are Animated on Men? By Ethan Sacks • January 20th, 2012 Ethan Sacks demands an Oscar nod for Andy Serkis’ motion-capture performance in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Unimaginative Games Rising By Gus Mastrapa • January 20th, 2012 Gus Mastrapa hates bland and mediocre marketing in the entertainment biz, but would rather you not rise up against it.