Exploits Feature Art vs. Artist By Khee Hoon Chan • June 1st, 2018 There comes a point where death is too good for the artist.
Epistolary Voicemail By Levi Rubeck • May 31st, 2018 Enjoying a recent New Yorker online poetry experiment where Natalie Diaz and Ada Limón are explicitly communicating with each other, and we are shepherded on the atmosphere that extends between them.
How I Almost Gave Up On Games By Amanda Hudgins • May 29th, 2018 I’m not one of those named faces of GamerGate, the women for whom, for better or worse, GamerGate has become a part of their identity and brand. If you think back to those most visibly affected, the ones who had it worse, I’m nobody.
Dhalsim Needs No Haduken By Gurmeet Singh • May 24th, 2018 What does the mysterious yogi actually believe?
This Mortal Coyle Senua By Deirdre Coyle • May 17th, 2018 In Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Deirdre finds herself confronting her impostor syndrome.
Artist Spotlight Artist Spotlight: Oscar Joyo By Stu Horvath • May 17th, 2018 Unwinnable chats with artist Oscar Joyo about his art and inspiration.
Checkpoint A Glance Back By Corey Milne • May 17th, 2018 Corey Milne, an Irishman, looks at the portrayal of Irishness in videogames.
The Burnt Offering False Memory By Stu Horvath • May 14th, 2018 Whats the French phrase for the feeling you get when you watch a classic movie you’re sure you’ve already seen only to find you never have? In English, it’s probably “disorienting embarrassment.”
Exploits Feature Not Enough Time By Stu Horvath • May 2nd, 2018 Look, we’re all going to die. The real tragedy is that we’ll leave unread books on the shelf when we do. Or is it?
An Ode to Porkins (and Star Wars Merchandise) By David Shimomura • April 23rd, 2018 Not only does Porkins merch exist, but there’s a lot of it. What’s that say about Star Wars?